Everyone wants to have attractive skin. For the most part, when a person is on the younger side, they have skin that is free of fine lines, wrinkles and many blemishes. However, as a person begins to get older, they start to experience problems with their skin. Sun damage presents as brown spots on the skin, fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear and a blotchy complexion is not uncommon. Thankfully, there are various non-surgical treatments that are available in order to help individuals treat some of these skin issues. Many people have been able to achieve amazing results with the Vi Peel.
Simply put, the Vi Peel can benefit individuals who are getting older. The designers of this product realize that as a person begins to get older, their skin becomes rough, pigmented and lax. Environmental pollutants and sun exposure only make these problems worse. The Vi Peel is the only peel with a unique set of ingredients that helps to address all of these assaults to the skin. There are 5 important ingredients: TCA or trichloroacetic acid helps with deep scar healing and stimulates collagen growth, Retin-A is an acid derived from Vitamin A to combat wrinkles. Salicylic Acid is a beta-acid that acts as an exfoliator. Phenol has antibacterial and anesthetic properties and allows the peel to get into the deeper levels of the skin. Vitamin C has antioxidant and mild exfoliant properties. These unique ingredients work synergistically to help address hyperpigmentation, acne, fine lines and wrinkles, large pores and roughness and laxity of the skin.
One of the nicest things about this peel is that little or no discomfort is experienced when the peel is placed. Following the peel, there will be slight scaling and sloughing for 2-3 days at which point the patient has a brand new, clear and improved complexion.
If you are experiencing the telltale signs of aging or you have acne issues, schedule a consultation at Torrey Pines Dermatology & Laser Center in La Jolla. If you are dealing with other types of skin problems, we have many different options that are available to help you. Our goal is to help you achieve amazing results and feel great when you walk out of our office. Dr. Richards and her team proudly serve the San Diego and surrounding areas. Contact us today to book an appointment to learn more about the Vi Peel.